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Research & Resources
Alexandria High School and Alexandria-Monroe High School Yearbooks are now available in house
at the library. Several years have been digitized.
Currently the library has years 1900-1922 we are working to get more added all the time.
*The 1960 yearbook was the last annual published as the Alexandria High School Spectrum before the school name was changed to the Alexandria-Monroe High School in 1961. The 1960 edition of the AHS yearbook is included with the yearbooks from the 1950s for title consistency.

Obituaries appearing in the local newspaper from March 1, 1905-December 28, 2022 can be found using our digitized newspaper archive of The Alexandria Times-Tribune anytime during normal operating hours. For assistance please call the library at 765-724-2196 or send an Email Request.

Local History
Print Collection
Our local history collection has been relocated and is now
downstairs next to newspaper
and magazines

The Alexandria Times-Tribune newspaper microfilm from March 1, 1905 through December 25, 2022 has been digitized and is available to the public on any library computer workstation. Physical microfilm has been archived for preservation purposes and is no longer available to the public.
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