Looking for some resources on encouraging healthy habits (and discussing germs) before your kids head back to school? We have some suggestions - from baby board books to fictitious germ fighters to elementary school science-y titles! (And in case you were wondering... we sanitize all items!)
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Germs Are Not For Sharing
by Elizabeth Verdick
This board book explains the importance of washing your hands (and singing the ABC's while doing so)! Additional resources for parents and caregivers are included on the last pages.
Noses Are Not For Picking
by Elizabeth Verdick
This board book perfectly explains how icky it is to pick your nose and stresses the importance of washing your hands and using a tissue.
Sometimes You Barf
by Nancy Carlson
Sometimes you don't feel well - but it always gets better!
Taking Care of Mama
by Mitra Modarressi
When Mama Raccoon comes down with the flu, Dad and the kids have a lot of extra chores to do (along with tending to Mama)!
How Do Dinosaurs Get Well Soon?
by Jane Yolen
Yolen's popular Dinosaurs series explores the do's and don't's toward a speedy recovery!
by Kiki Thorpe
Oswald catches a cold after tending to his sick friend - this book can open up a discussion about social distancing!
by Ross Collins
Pox refuses to infect a girl and instead becomes the hero, defending her from other germs. How does your immune system work to fight off infections? This picture book helps illustrate through a story.
Super Ben's Dirty Hands: A
Book About Healthy Habits
by Shelley Marshall
Ben & Molly fight germs by keeping their hands washed!
Oh, The Things You Can Do That Are Good For You!
by Tish Rabe
The Cat in the Hat sings a song by the incredible Zanz...
...which you can all sing while washing your hands!
He also explains a sneeze (and its power)...
...It travels 5 feet at 100 miles per hour!
Bill Nye the Science Guy's Great Big Book of Tiny Germs
by Bill Nye
Everyone's favorite Science Guy explains all about viruses and bacteria!
Micro Mania: A Really Close-Up Look at Bacteria, Bedbugs, & Zillions of Other Gross Little Creatures That Live In, On & All Around You
by Jordan Brown
Creepy, crawly microorganisms - this book will help your kids understand just how small viruses and bacteria really are.